Category Archives: Lineage

Group of people sitting on the floor in a zendo

Orchestral Manoeuvres in (and out of) the Zendo – Manu Myōshin Bazzano

I’ve heard Roshi mention a few times the ‘vertical’ nature of our practice—from teacher to student, a bloodline travelling through many generations. For practitioners acquainted with ‘secular’ expressions of the Dharma (as I was when I left traditional practice for a time after studying for ten years with my teacher, Genpo Roshi), this avowedly religious […]

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Alasdair Taisen Gordon-Finlayson – Shariputra and the Thicket of Views

(Statue of Shariputra from Mahamevnawa Amawatura Monastery in Kandy, Sri Lanka) Just some reflections on a Saturday morning… I was watching a video about Shariputra – a fascinating video that explores what we know about the man himself, who he studied with before meeting the Buddha, his role in the Buddhist sangha, his enlightenment… and […]

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History and teaching tradition of StoneWater Zen

Stonewater Zen Sangha and Keizan Scott Roshi Stonewater Zen Sangha is led by David Keizan Scott Roshi, a Dharma successor within the lineage of the founder of the Zen Center of Los Angeles, the Venerable Taizan Maezumi Roshi  (1931-1995). Keizan Sensei is the UK and European representative to the White Plum Sangha, the international network […]

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Two Arrows Meet in Mid-Air – Suigen Sensei

John Suigen Kenworthy received Dharma Transmission (Shiho) from Keizan Roshi on 31st March 2021. Suigen Sensei is Roshi’s second successor after Shinro Sensei who received transmission in December 2020. Roshi conducted the ceremony at the Lakes Zendo with the assistance online of Hank Yoshin Sensei from the Netherlands. There was also meticulous support from Stephan […]

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