Category Archives: Benefits of practice

‘Changing My Mind’ by Jo O’Riordan and Keith Parr

Here are two short pieces on the theme of ‘Changing My Mind’, the first by Jo Doshin O’Riordan and the second from Keith Shingo Parr, who is currently on Sesshin at Yokoji Zen Mountain Centre: “I found it hard to decipher exactly what David Loy means. Saying that the world changes when one’s mind changes sounds […]

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The Beauty of Imperfection

This week, a short but lovely piece from Karen Robbie reflecting on accepting imperfections. It’s great to have a contribution from someone who’s a bit off the beaten track – Jez and Karen’s place in mid Wales doesn’t lend itself to weekly dokusan at The Dojo, and part of the reason for this blog is to help us keep in touch with remote sangha friends.

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Fetch water, chop wood, make tea

A story from John Suigen’s life that includes this great paragraph: “Sudden, unwanted and dramatic life events can at times be a real challenge in my zen practice. Being told that such events are “a good life koan,” or that “Now! …is the time to practice” has the same flavour of being reminded that there are people in the world with much bigger problems than you. You know it to be true but it doesn’t seem to take you anywhere at the time.”

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