StoneWater Zen Sangha is entirely self-supporting and relies on the money, energy and time given by its members – local and across the UK. Members give their time freely, including Keizan Roshi.
The Sangha is supported by a registered charity The StoneWater Zen Centre Trust (No. 289863) which was created to promote the understanding and practice of Zen Buddhism. In practical terms this means that the Trust:
- Supports a teacher in White Plum lineage, David Keizan Scott Roshi, who provides support for Zen Buddhism in UK, both to individuals & groups, and ensures growth of Maezumi Roshi’s and Tenshin Roshi’s lineage in the UK
- Has set up and runs StoneWater Zen Centre Liverpool offering 6+ meditation sessions per week, plus at least 2 residential retreats per year called ‘Retreat to the City’.
- Supports StoneWater Zen Lakes Centre by offering residential retreats in the Lake District.
- Organises 2 residential retreats at Crosby per year for people from across the UK and beyond, with subsidised places for people on low incomes
- Provides instruction and advice for beginners to Zen meditation practice in Liverpool and beyond, both personally and by email
- Supports and develops the Zen practice of experienced students from across the UK, both personally and by email
- Supports Zen groups across UK including London, Northamptonshire, Kent & Mid Wales.
- Brings noted UK & international teachers to our UK retreats
- Supports Zen Buddhism in UK (and beyond) through our website offering advice & support to individuals & groups
- Makes & provides meditation equipment e.g. mats & cushions to associated groups
- Offers outreach work including talks & meditation sessions for school students & conferences, supports practitioners working in prisons, and is developing contacts with local community projects in Liverpool
- Represents Zen Buddhism at multifaith events in Merseyside & across UK
You can access StoneWater Zen Centre Trust’s accounts filed with the Charity Commission here.
You can see a Summary of StoneWater Zen Centre Trust’s work here.