Support StoneWater Zen

StoneWater Zen Sangha is entirely self-supporting and relies on the money, energy and time given by its members – local and across the UK.  Members give their time freely, including Keizan Roshi.

The Sangha is supported by a registered charity The StoneWater Zen Centre Trust (No. 289863) which was created to promote the understanding and practice of Zen Buddhism.  In practical terms this means that the Trust:

  • Supports a teacher in White Plum lineage, David Keizan Scott Roshi, who provides support for Zen Buddhism in UK, both to individuals & groups, and ensures growth of Maezumi Roshi’s and Tenshin Roshi’s lineage in the UK
  • Has set up and runs StoneWater Zen Centre Liverpool offering 6+ meditation sessions per week, plus at least 2 residential retreats per year called ‘Retreat to the City’.
  • Supports StoneWater Zen Lakes Centre by offering residential retreats in the Lake District.
  • Organises 2 residential retreats at Crosby per year for people from across the UK and beyond, with subsidised places for people on low incomes
  • Provides instruction and advice for beginners to Zen meditation practice in Liverpool and beyond, both personally and by email
  • Supports and develops the Zen practice of experienced students from across the UK, both personally and by email
  • Supports Zen groups across UK including London, Northamptonshire, Kent & Mid Wales.
  • Brings noted UK & international teachers to our UK retreats
  • Supports Zen Buddhism in UK (and beyond) through our website offering advice & support to individuals & groups
  • Makes & provides meditation equipment e.g. mats & cushions to associated groups
  • Offers outreach work including talks & meditation sessions for school students & conferences, supports practitioners working in prisons, and is developing contacts with local community projects in Liverpool
  • Represents Zen Buddhism at multifaith events in Merseyside & across UK

You can access StoneWater Zen Centre Trust’s accounts filed with the Charity Commission here.

You can see a Summary of StoneWater Zen Centre Trust’s work here.

We need your support!

There are several ways you can support StoneWater Zen.

Monthly Standing Order

The most useful because it provides a steady, predictable income is a monthly Standing Order but one-off donations are also deeply appreciated.  You can use this link to download a Standing Order form.  Download Standing Order Form If you do online or telephone banking you won’t need to complete the form but it has on in the StoneWater bank account details that your bank will need.

We would appreciate it if you could let us know when you have done this so we can acknowledge your support.  Please email Sarah Thwaites with details of the amount and start date to

Make a donation

Or you can make a donation by PayPal using the button below:

Gift Aid

Our charitable status means we can make tax efficient use of your donation through the Gift Aid scheme.  If you are a UK taxpayer we will be able to reclaim the tax you pay on your gift, thus boosting its value by 20% at no extra cost to you.  If your circumstances change you can cancel this option at any time by notifying us. If you pay tax at the higher rate you can claim further relief in your self-assessment tax return.

Thank you for your support.  Please download the form using the link below, complete it and email it to Sarah Thwaites at

Download Gift Aid Form

Charity registration No.: 289863

Give as you earn No.: 012941