We hold regular retreats throughout the year. There are two at Crosby Hall and smaller ones at our retreat centre in the Lake District. For details of our forthcoming retreats click retreat dates.
Crosby Hall
Twice a year we hold retreats at Crosby Hall in Little Crosby, Merseyside.
It is a fifteenth century manor house within its own grounds and is a pure delight.
We stay in the education centre of the estate and this is self contained with its own shared bedrooms.
There are ample parking facilities and retreatants are welcome to walk in the grounds during free time (with thanks to Lord and Lady Blundell for their warm generosity).
Click here for some photos of Crosby Hall.
StoneWater Lake District
Fell End is StoneWater’s Lake District Retreat Centre.
The zendo is light and spacious. The retreats are held mainly in silence and vegetarian meals are provided.
The daily schedule includes meditation, samu, Dharma talks and interviews with teachers and the opportunity for walks in the outstanding countryside.
Directions available on retreat booking.
Visiting Fell End outside of sesshin and other training periods.
Please get in contact if you would like to visit Fell End and practice with us. We have a weekly schedule of zazen and work practice (samu). Visits can be arranged, depending on your personal circumstances, for an agreed duration of time. For example from a few days to a week or a month.
To get in contact, to arrange a visit and for any questions email Stephan shigetsustonewaterzen@gmail.com