News Update:

The zendo has reopened after the Christmas break

Sangha Posts

Too Much Baggage – Mokuin Sensei

It was while I was a resident at Yokoji Zen Mountain Center that I completed the Blue Cliff Record (J: Hekiganroku), the classic koan...

New book by Tim Zenki Steel

Awakenings is a non-fiction hands-on look at the human condition, the causes of suffering, what can be done about them and how to take...

This is where we invite you, the Sangha members, to contribute your short articles on your experiences, ideas or readings that you feel will interest others. Send these direct to Sarah Thwaites or via the contact page. Posts will be linked and publicised in general mailings, Facebook and Twitter. Comments may be made on the Stonewater Zen Facebook page or via Sarah Thwaites if you don't use social media.

We are a Zen Buddhist organisation in the lineage of Taizan Maezumi Roshi. StoneWater Zen Sangha has a traditional, authentic lineage and has been established in Liverpool for over fifteen years. The Sangha is growing and there are now groups across the UK.

The group is led by Dr David Keizan Scott Roshi and is affiliated to the White Plum Asanga.

We provide the facilities for traditional Zen training throughout the week. See our Liverpool schedule for details.

Every year we have two sesshin at Crosby Hall and regular retreats at our zendo in the Lake District. See our events page for details.

We are a warm and friendly group and beginners are always very welcome.

Mission Statement

StoneWater Zen Sangha is founded on the teachings of the Soto Zen tradition. Its aim is to promote and develop the practice and transmission of Zen Buddhism through meditation, study, precepts, Buddhist psychology and stewardship of meditation centres that are open to all regardless of gender, race or sexuality.

Our teachers and senior monks offer a regular weekly meditation schedule, several intensive retreats annually, and maintain city centre and rural training centres locally and nationally.

“It is our wish to promote compassion and understanding for life as it is.
May penetrating light dispel the darkness of ignorance.
May we realise the Buddha Way together.”

StoneWater Zen Centre Liverpool

We are located in Hope Street in the centre of Liverpool where we run a regular schedule of meditation and talks. Please click here for further details.