Category Archives: Personal reflection

A picture of a home altar

The “10,000 Things of Western Zen” – Alasdair Taisen Gordon-Finlayson

Dear sangha member, I am a researcher at the University of Northampton, UK, and as you might know, I am also a Zen practitioner in the StoneWater Sangha. I received tokudo in 2011, and was made ‘Hoshi’ last year by Keizan Roshi, who’s graciously permitted me to send out this call for help with my new research project, which […]

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Tears of Attachment: A reflection on spring sesshin 2023 – Richard Harris

It had been 10 years since my last sesshin at Fell End. In the intervening years I had continued my practice ploughing a lone furrow but with regular contact with Suigen Sensei, my teacher. Like many Sangha members, I experienced immense support through sitting via Zoom from pandemic times onward. My world had changed during […]

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Photo of Ryokan Sensei

Jeremy Ryokan Sensei

Jeremy Ryokan Sensei was given dharma  transmission by Fr Patrick Eastman Kundo Roshi, founder of the Wild Goose Sangha in 2016. In April 2023 Ryokan received Shukke Tokudo from Keizan Roshi and joined Stonewater Zen Sangha. The inner life and the mystery of life fascinated and spoke to Jeremy from his teenage years. It emerged […]

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Aspects of Buddhist practice I find problematic – Sarah Kokai Thwaites

  This for me is rebirth. I find it impossible to believe in reincarnation, literal interpretations of rebirth and versions of karma associated with these. I wrote this some months ago and found spending some time reflecting on the implications of this for my life and practice valuable, kickstarting another strand of practice. I’ll come […]

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