Author Archives: Jutta Pieper

Gestalt Psychotherapy and Zen, similarities and differences – Jutta Keijo Pieper

The theme of the next SWZ newsletter is “Zen and therapy: different, the same or both?”. Here we have the first piece on the subject from long-time sangha member and therapist Jutta Keijo Pieper. Looking at the similarities and differences between psychotherapy and meditation, my focus will be on the Gestalt Psychotherapy approach which I […]

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Zen and Gestalt

Let us strive to awaken, awaken, take heed… It happens frequently to me that when somebody asks me why I practice Zen or why I became a Gestalt Psychotherapist I am not able to answer immediately. There is a place within myself that can answer these questions but it seems not to be approachable ad […]

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