Category Archives: People

Roshi in zendo in zazen posture

Interview with Roshi in the Liverpool Echo

This week Roshi has been featured in the Liverpool Echo with this interview. The founder of one of Liverpool’s most fabled bars is sending a message of acceptance, kindness and compassion in an ever polarised world. David Scott, who founded the original Everyman Bistro with business partner Paddy Byrne, runs the Stonewater Zen Centre, which […]

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Photo of Ryokan Sensei

Jeremy Ryokan Sensei

Jeremy Ryokan Sensei was given dharma  transmission by Fr Patrick Eastman Kundo Roshi, founder of the Wild Goose Sangha in 2016. In April 2023 Ryokan received Shukke Tokudo from Keizan Roshi and joined Stonewater Zen Sangha. The inner life and the mystery of life fascinated and spoke to Jeremy from his teenage years. It emerged […]

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‘Changing My Mind’

A reflection by Maurice Shokatsu George ‘A human mind is an unfathomable entity. Nobody knows what it is. Nobody. Consciousness? Awareness? A by-product of the brain? A non-entity? A facet of the imagination? It’s no use consulting the experts. The only expert to manage my mind is me. No-one else. Nothing else. No Buddhas. Only […]

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Paying it Forward & Manifesting the priest’s foundations in my everyday life.

Since my ordination in 2014 my business Team Mushin CIC has grown from strength to strength, and I have struggled to attend regular Zen practice at StoneWater, and most times only attending two seshins per year and attending StoneWater one day a week, work permitting. Adam and I first opened the gym in 2011 it […]

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Jokai Sensei – A Very, Very Short History

At the end of September Keizan Sensei went to Yokoji Zen Mountain Centre to attend the Shiho (transmission) ceremony for David Jokai Blackwell (above right).  Here is a piece that Keizan wrote for the Yokoji Newsletter which describes how Jokai began his training in Liverpool. In 1997 I lived in Liverpool, UK, as I still […]

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