Category Archives: Personal reflection

Zen and Lacanian Psychoanalysis – Lorena Yosho Rivero de Beer

Here another StoneWater practitioner and therapist Lorena Yosho Rivero de Beer explores Zen and Therapy. I started practicing Zen meditation not long after I started training as a Lacanian psychoanalyst 5 years ago. From the beginning their similarities and differences have enriched both practices for me. They bring both experiential depth in the points that […]

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Gestalt Psychotherapy and Zen, similarities and differences – Jutta Keijo Pieper

The theme of the next SWZ newsletter is “Zen and therapy: different, the same or both?”. Here we have the first piece on the subject from long-time sangha member and therapist Jutta Keijo Pieper. Looking at the similarities and differences between psychotherapy and meditation, my focus will be on the Gestalt Psychotherapy approach which I […]

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