We are obviously very aware of the possible issues regarding the Coronavirus. We are also aware of, and are following closely, the current public health advice regarding Covid 19. This is essentially keep calm and carry on, and this is what we plan to do. We have been in touch with Crosby Hall and at the moment they are just waiting to see how things will develop. We are in the same position. Our plan therefore is to wait ourselves and make a firm decision whether to proceed or not by Monday 16th March. If, as we hope, Crosby does go ahead, we are also planning to make arrangements to enable us to follow the latest advice re hand washing and hygiene at the retreat.
We will send an email on that date to all who have booked and post the news on the front page of the web site. We will try and answer all potential queries in the posting of the 16th March. In the meantime please bear with us – this is a very fast moving situation. If you want to check for updates please see here the home page of the website and if possible do not get in touch with John or Jenny unless it’s really urgent. Thank you. Look after yourselves, Keizan Roshi