Crosby Sesshin cancelled

Dear Sesshin Participants
Regrettably, given present and future uncertainties about the corona virus we have decided to cancel the Spring Sesshin at Crosby.
We will communicate further this week about the deposits already paid for Sesshin.
We are really disappointed about having to cancel this time but under the circumstances it seems the most sensible course of action. As well, we hope that this will help to limit any spread of the virus and will support everyone in keeping as safe and well as possible.
If at all possible, we will continue with Tony, Shinro’s transmission ceremony in Liverpool on Friday, 10th April but further details about this will be announced by mail and on the website in due course.
Again, please bear with us but if you have any urgent enquiries in the meantime regarding any of the above please contact John at
For now,
Keizan Roshi