Change to online schedule

Dear Folk,

The Zoom schedule will no longer include joining in the live session at the Liverpool Zendo on Wednesday nights. After a trial we realised it didn’t work very well for either the Zoom participants or folk in the Zendo. The Wednesday nights on zoom will be suspended for the time being.

Instead each Thursday night myself, Shinro Sensei or Suigen Sensei will lead a dedicated  Zoom session with interviews and a dharma talk. The Thursday night at the Liverpool Zendo will run parallel to that.

The Thursdays on zoom will be fixed as follows:

From October 1st:
 (for September see below)

Shinro Sensei will do every first Thursday of the month

Keizan Roshi will do every second and fourth Thursday of the month

Suigen Sensei will do every third Thursday of the month

If there are five Thursdays in the month it will be pot luck!


For September:

September 16th Keizan Roshi

September 23rd Shinro Sensei

September 30th Suigen Sensei


Kind regards

Keizan Roshi