Author Archives: admin

New book by Tim Zenki Steel

Awakenings is a non-fiction hands-on look at the human condition, the causes of suffering, what can be done about them and how to take up help in the pursuit of its resolve. “I wrote the book as a response to the increased suffering I see around me in my life caused by the isolation experienced […]

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Tears of Attachment: A reflection on spring sesshin 2023 – Richard Harris

It had been 10 years since my last sesshin at Fell End. In the intervening years I had continued my practice ploughing a lone furrow but with regular contact with Suigen Sensei, my teacher. Like many Sangha members, I experienced immense support through sitting via Zoom from pandemic times onward. My world had changed during […]

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Photo of Ryokan Sensei

Jeremy Ryokan Sensei

Jeremy Ryokan Sensei was given dharma  transmission by Fr Patrick Eastman Kundo Roshi, founder of the Wild Goose Sangha in 2016. In April 2023 Ryokan received Shukke Tokudo from Keizan Roshi and joined Stonewater Zen Sangha. The inner life and the mystery of life fascinated and spoke to Jeremy from his teenage years. It emerged […]

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Change to online schedule

Dear Folk, The Zoom schedule will no longer include joining in the live session at the Liverpool Zendo on Wednesday nights. After a trial we realised it didn’t work very well for either the Zoom participants or folk in the Zendo. The Wednesday nights on zoom will be suspended for the time being. Instead each Thursday […]

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The Paradox of our Age

The Paradox of our Age We have bigger houses but smaller families; more conveniences, but less time; We have more degrees, but less sense; more knowledge, but less judgement; more experts, but more problems; more medicines, but less healthiness; We’ve been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street […]

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