Category Archives: Retreats

About retreats

A recent enquiry has made us realise that while we talk about retreats on our website, we do not say what retreats are about or why we do them. This short article aims to address this lapse. We would like to say something on the website about retreats and I am therefore seeking your comments so that I can amend this article in the light of these. Do please let me know what you think.  (Editor’s note: This article has now been included on the website, though that version may be updated from time to time.)

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Being Tenzo

We were all very fortunate to have Simon in the role of Tenzo at the Crosby sesshin which has just ended.  It’s fitting then that we have a post this week by Simon telling how came to take on the Tenzo role, which has has served in for so many groups now for so long.

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