Category Archives: Personal reflection

Two Arrows Meet in Mid-Air – Suigen Sensei

John Suigen Kenworthy received Dharma Transmission (Shiho) from Keizan Roshi on 31st March 2021. Suigen Sensei is Roshi’s second successor after Shinro Sensei who received transmission in December 2020. Roshi conducted the ceremony at the Lakes Zendo with the assistance online of Hank Yoshin Sensei from the Netherlands. There was also meticulous support from Stephan […]

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Picture of Miranda having her head shaved

Miranda Wayu Forward – Jukai and Tokudo, then and now

When I told my mum I was receiving Jukai, she said, “You always were a joiner”. At the time, I felt hurt, although I knew on one level she was right. I’ve always been looking for tribes of like-minded people following some path, sharing an understanding of the world, working together for a common cause. […]

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