Author Archives: Keizan Roshi

Memories of Shukke Tokudo

9am. 6th October 2006. I am leaning over a sink in the zendo house, Kanzeon Zen Centre, Salt Lake City. Anna, a resident monk, is making a preliminary shaving of my head. She leaves a short bristle of hair and just two long strands on the top of my head. Later that day, I am dressed in brand new white jubon and kimono. I am sitting in a chair in the Founder’s room beneath the zendo with all the monks present at the centre in attendance. We chant together ‘The Gatha to be Chanted Before Shaving the Head’.

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Keizan Sensei’s trip to the Himalayas

Dear Sangha members, very best wishes for 2012. I do hope we each have a fruitful and enriching year ahead. I look forward to seeing you in Liverpool (please check out our personalised mini retreat opportunity), Crosby or up in the Lakes. We have an all year round  Wednesday to Saturday schedule in Liverpool and […]

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